Tahniah kepada Aizat atas kelahiran sang puteri. Semuga menambah kebahagian suami isteri

Selasa, 15 Disember 2009

Xpresi cinta: antara taib dan brook

Sungguh pesona tampak dari jendela Hotel Hilton Kuching di awal pagi.... tersergam indah 2 binaan dedekasi buat yang tercinta. Seteguh Port Margerita yang menyerlah dalam kehijaun, putih bersih setulus kecintaan Raja Brook pada sang isteri. Kekal abadi zaman berzaman setia menadah kesegaran embun pagi. Namun kini tidak semegah tetangga terdekat,  DUN Sarawak mercu tanda terbaharu negeri Sarawak. Sayang sarawak tidak lagi meratapi sungai yang sempit kerana kalau pun perahu sempit untuk dibawa channel komunikasi lain sudah dimaju. Binaan indah DUN bangkali menjadi hadiah Datuk Patinggi untuk rakyat Sarawak yang di cintai.  Begitulah masa mengubah segala. Keutuhan dan keputihan Port Margerita di tenggelami kesergaman dan sinar keemasan DUN hasil binaan anak negeri tanpa naungan raja omputih... jeragang

Jumaat, 4 Disember 2009

Pulut Durian

Assalamualaikum wbt KIK-ers,

Saya baru berkesempatan pulang ke kampung di Kuala Kangsar sempena menyambut Aidiladha minggu lepas.Di kesempatan tersebut saya secara tidak langsung menjengah ke Stesen MARDI Kuala Kangsar yang terletak kira-kira sepelaung dari rumah orang tua saya.

Tujuan menjengah ke stesen tersebut hanya untuk melawat kawan-kawan Induksi yang pernah saya jaga dan berjumpa dengan pakcik-makcik saudara saya (yang telah hampir 25tahun bekerja disitu) .Selain daripada itu,lawatan saya ini untuk PERTAMA kalinya saya menjengah stesen tersebut setelah hampir 27 tahun berada di muka bumi ini.hehehe...(sebenarnya MARDI ni masa saya kecil,tempat kami budak2 kampung makan buah free!!!syhhhh..jangan cerita kat orang lain!!)...

Sesampai sahaja saya dipintu stesen,saya terhidu bau buah durian..lama rasanye tak makan buah durian..saya dipelawa olek En. Li & En. Din/Pn Jamilah(bapa saudara) untuk merasa buah MDUR dan D2.Memang kelas rasanya!!!saya terus beli lagi 8 biji dan bawa balik ke rumah.Mak & isteri masakkan pulut dan dimakan dengan durian..

Ya Allah!!! Lama sungguh saya tak merasa nikmat makan Pulut Durian ini.

Bayangkan apabila rasa lemak-lemak manis durian tu,digaul dengan rasa masin-masin santan dan lemak pulut...Pergh!!!memang nikmat...

Inilah nikmat sebenar kate orang-orang tua.Bila kita makan sesuatu benda,kita RASA nikmatnya..

Dan NIKMAT seperti itulah yang saya ingin rasakan selepas selesai kita buat PRESENTATION kumpulan kita di hadapan Pengarah & Timbalan Pengarah Sumber Manusia pada 15hb Disember nanti..

Sama macam nikmat makan PULUT DURIAN!!!!

Mohamad Aizat Mohamad Zawawi

Selasa, 1 Disember 2009

as I can see it

It was heartening to see whats happening in last Fiqir meeting. Everybody seems to me wanted to be involve in the process of chosing the project for the team. I am very happy that I was able to be around in witnessing the team finally come to the consentious in deciding 'memendekkan saluran komunikasi dalam perlaksanaan keputusan'. I think the decission is very timely considering that peoples are complainning about our slowness  in implementation. Lets see what the team can explore further.... may be down to the roots of the problems and find ways of solving them. Judging from the discussion prior to the decission in last meeting I believed without doubt that the group have the capability to perform and delivering the result. However they must win the support from BPSM management first, of course. Is the presentation ready Has?

As I can see, they all very indepth  in analysing the problems resulting from vast experiences collected over a long long times. I can sense some of the members were very frank in speaking their mind. Most of all, they can defend their opinion in a very hard way and at the same time respect others..... keep up the good work guys! I am very happy to follow how the group disscused and put foward reasonning over certain things and chip in when necessary to guide them reaching the consentious.  I sincerelly hope that the team will manage to suggest a working flatform as a long term solution to the problem. Whatever happen I am looking foreward to accompany you all reaching final destination...... jeragang 

what do you expect .......

Photo sometimes could be misleading .  Its depends on where you focus the object to be specific target and get whats you  want. If you properly closed up more often or not small thing can become big. Things that suppost near to us can be very far away..... its all in you mind .......worst still if you fail put things properly on its perspective you may not even know where it is. look at the photo properlly ...... can you guess where it is
if you want it more clearer you shoud look at this one
or this one can give you more help .... what? still not clear
oh yea.... try this one
and by now you have enough confidence to tell me where are those photo taken.... mind you probably some of us going might be going there many many time or even used to work there.... prize for member that can answer accurately